BHRT For Men: Counter Hormonal Imbalances With BHRT Pellets
It’s a common misconception that only women suffer from hormonal imbalance as they age into their later years. Men too suffer from hormonal imbalance, and not just the gradual decrease in testosterone over the years, but imbalances of other important hormones like thyroid and cortisol.
Hormones serve an important role in the body, acting as chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream regulating various systems and body functions. Different hormone types are responsible for regulating different systems in the body such as digestion, metabolism, natural growth, reproduction, stress, and even your mood.
Hormonal imbalance is a very common and natural occurrence in both men and women. However, many see it as a natural process with aging and don’t realise there are many other contributing lifestyle factors and many more serious symptoms. Keep reading to learn more about hormonal imbalance and how BHRT for men can help manage it.
What are Types, Symptoms, and Causes of Hormonal Imbalance in Men?
Every person regardless of sex experiences hormonal imbalance at some point in their life. Teenagers go through puberty, men struggle with testosterone levels, and women experience menopause.
However, lifestyle choices such as an unhealthy diet, excessive stress levels, excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, and high body fat can influence hormonal imbalances. Listed below are common types of hormonal imbalance in men.
What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Men?
BHRT is a therapeutic approach that works to restore hormones and balance their levels in the body by using hormones that are identical biochemically and functionally to ones produced naturally in the body. BHRT is an effective way to fortify the body's natural functions while promoting good overall health and vitality, especially for men past 30.
Bioidentical hormones are plant-based synthetic hormones that are biochemically and functionally identical to the hormone your body makes. There are other man-made hormones such as “natural hormones” but these are made from food sources like dairy and meat and require lots of processing. Bioidentical hormones are considered to be the closest to the real thing.
Learn about all other types of hormone replacement therapies in our article.
How Does BHRT for Men Work?
Unbalanced hormones can have an array of negative effects on your overall health and wellbeing as previously mentioned. BHRT pellets provide a safe, reliable way to combat these deficits. These rice-sized pellets are inserted into the hip area where they naturally dissolve and secrete expertly calibrated doses of bioidentical hormones over 3–4 months. Once fully absorbed by the body, you'll return for another round (patients often see the best results after the second round) - so easy it requires less frequent trips in comparison with other methods.
The bioidentical hormone pellets are compounded in a lab and can be customised to your specific needs. BHRT pellet therapy offers a simple, efficient solution to balancing your hormone levels.
Benefits of BHRT for Men
BHRT vs Traditional Testosterone Therapy
BHRT is not the only type of hormone replacement therapy on the market. There are many different types of hormone therapies with different purposes and methods of treatment. Traditional testosterone replacement therapy is the oldest most common type of HRT for men. In fact, the first instance of testosterone therapy occurred in 1935 when Ernest Lacquer isolated testosterone from bull testes.
Testosterone therapy can be found in several different forms. The most common form in the US is testosterone gels. It’s a topical gel that is applied directly onto the skin, which then diffuses into the bloodstream.
Another variation is testosterone patches. They are similar to testosterone gels because they are also applied to the skin in order for the testosterone to diffuse into the bloodstream.
The most common method worldwide is testosterone injections which are typically administered intramuscularly and require follow-up injections every few weeks.
What is the Best Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men?
When looking at all facets of each treatment, it’s clear that BHRT pellet therapy is the best. Firstly, traditional testosterone therapies only treat testosterone deficiency. And while nearly all men experience a gradual decrease in testosterone as they get older, only about 15% experience a significant drop in testosterone that requires medical attention. BHRT pellets are compounded hormones that can be customised to help manage any type of hormone deficiency, not just low testosterone.
Also, considering the procedures of each therapy, BHRT pellets are by far the most practical method. Testosterone gels can transfer to other people through contact, which could be dangerous to women and children. And patches can have some irritating side effects like rashes and burns. Both require daily application to work, which can definitely be a hassle.
Testosterone injections have relatively fewer side effects and are shown to have better results than gels and patches. However, many people are uncomfortable with injections as an administration method. And, the injections require follow-ups every 2-3 weeks usually, whereas pellets only need to be re-administered once every 4-6 months.
Getting Started with M Health and Beauty
M Health and Beauty is a certified provider of BioTE® bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. We offer customised, patient-specific treatments that can help manage hormone levels and promote general health and wellness. To book an appointment, call our clinic to speak with one of our friendly customer care specialists.

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