The Priapus Shot: PRP For Men

Published on: Jun 09, 2023 / Last Updated on: Jun 09, 2023 / REGENERATIVE MEDICINE
The Priapus Shot: PRP For Men

Are you seeking a quick, easy, and non-invasive treatment to address erectile dysfunction and enhance your sexual experience? Then consider getting a P-Shot for men, a procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to stimulate penile tissues and promote optimal sexual function.

This article will cover everything you need to know from preparation, procedure, and results, to finding P-Shot providers near you. Keep reading to learn all about the P-Shot and how you can start your journey to peak sexual health.

What is the P-Shot

The P-Shot, also known as the Priapus Shot, has gained recognition as an alternative treatment for various conditions, including erectile dysfunction (ED), lichen sclerosis, Peyronie's disease, and overall sexual function enhancement. However, it is important to note that the P-Shot is still considered an experimental therapy. But anecdotal evidence widely supports the efficacy of the treatment.

The P-Shot's foundation lies in PRP therapy, which involves injecting a concentrated solution of platelets derived from your own blood into targeted areas of your body, in this case, the penis. Platelets play a crucial role in wound healing and blood clotting. PRP therapy is used widely across several fields of treatment, including skincare, hair health, and even musculoskeletal injections. Click here to read more about all the different uses of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.

How Much Does P-Shot Cost?

As an elective procedure, the P-Shot may not be covered by most health insurance plans. The cost of the treatment can vary depending on factors such as the provider and location. According to the 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, the average fee for a single PRP procedure performed by a doctor was $683, excluding additional expenses. It is essential to consider the financial implications and consult with your healthcare provider to determine if the P-Shot aligns with your budget.

Preparation for the P- Shot

Preparing for the P-Shot procedure is relatively straightforward. You generally do not need to undertake any specific measures beforehand. However, it may be advisable to undergo a physical examination or comprehensive blood tests to assess your overall health. Ensuring the vitality of your blood, plasma, and platelets is critical for the success of the treatment.

P-Shot Procedure

practitioner preparing blood sample for p shot

The P-Shot is performed on an outpatient basis, allowing you to undergo the procedure and return home on the same day. Although it is not necessary to take time off work or other obligations, it is recommended to allocate ample time to complete the procedure comfortably. When you arrive at the facility, you will be asked to lie down on a table and await the commencement of the treatment. The procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • Numbing the genital area: The doctor or their assistant will apply numbing cream or ointment to the genital area to minimize discomfort. They may also administer a local anesthetic to ensure the surrounding area is adequately numbed.

  • Collecting a blood sample: A small blood sample will be taken from your arm or another non-invasive location. This sample will be placed in a testing tube.

  • Centrifugation: The testing tube containing your blood sample will be placed in a centrifuge machine. This machine will separate the different components of your blood, isolating the platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

  • Preparation of PRP: The PRP will be extracted from the testing tube and transferred into separate syringes for injection.

  • Injection: The PRP will be injected into the penile shaft, clitoris, or the identified area such as the Gräfenberg (G) spot. The injection process typically involves 4 to 5 separate injections.

  • Optional penis pump: In some cases, individuals who receive injections into the penile shaft may be provided with a penis pump. This device helps draw blood into the penis and ensures the PRP functions as intended. It may be recommended to use the pump for approximately 10 minutes daily over a few weeks. However, excessive or prolonged use of the pump can damage the elastic tissue in the penis, leading to less firm erections.

Once the procedure is complete, which usually takes around an hour, you will be free to return home. It is normal to experience minor side effects such as swelling, redness, or bruises at the injection sites, which should subside within four to six days. Rare complications may include infection, scarring, or outbreaks of cold sores in individuals with a history of herpes simplex virus.

Recovery from the P-Shot is generally quick, allowing you to resume your normal activities shortly after the procedure. However, it is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse for a couple of days to prevent infection at the injection sites. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid intense physical activities that may cause sweating or chafing in the treated area.

P-Shot Results

The results of the P-Shot can vary significantly depending on individual health factors and underlying conditions impacting sexual function. Some individuals may notice immediate improvements after a single treatment, while others may require multiple sessions or several months to observe the desired effects.

Typically, responses to the P-Shot can be categorized into three general groups: early responders, normal responders, and late responders. This means it may take as little as a few days to see results or a few weeks depending on the individual.

It is important to bear in mind that severe cases of ED, which have persisted for several years, may involve various factors and complexities that impact response to treatment. In severe cases of ED, it’s recommended that individuals take a multi-step approach toward treatment, possibly combining other treatments such as Acoustic Soundwave Therapy.


It’s important to remember that sexual health is influenced by a multitude of factors beyond physical treatments, including mental and emotional well-being. If you do not experience the desired results from the P-Shot, it is advisable to investigate any underlying health issues that may be affecting your sexual performance.

However, if you’ve consulted with your doctor and the P-Shot seems right for you, then consider getting treatment with M Health and Beauty, a certified provider of the P-Shot. Call or navigate the ED treatment page and start your path toward recovery today.