Lift Your Beauty With PDO Thread Lifts

Published on: Sep 21, 2023 / Last Updated on: Sep 22, 2023 / NON-SURGICAL COSMETIC TREATMENTS
Lift Your Beauty With PDO Thread Lifts

In the ever-evolving landscape of aesthetic procedures, PDO (Polydioxanone) thread lifts have emerged as a revolutionary technique to lift and rejuvenate the skin without requiring invasive surgery. This innovative procedure offers a non-surgical solution to sagging skin, delivering natural-looking results and minimal downtime. Let's explore the world of PDO thread lifts and explore how they can lift your beauty to new heights.

What is a PDO Thread Lift?

PDO thread lift, known as polydioxanone thread lift, involves a biodegradable polyester suture to tighten and lift the skin. This procedure can rejuvenate your skin without the use of a scalpel. PDO thread lift is less invasive than other facelift procedures for reducing sagging and wrinkles. This facelift procedure doesn't need general anesthesia or a long recovery time, and it only takes 45 minutes to complete. These threads comprise polydioxanone, polylactic acid (PLA), and polycaprolactone (PCA). According to a study, PDO threads activate collagen production, enhancing skin texture and firmness.

Types of PDO Threads

Following are the three different types of threads used in the PDO procedure:

Mono Threads

Mono threads have a single PDO filament. These are smooth threads having no barbs. Mono threads produce skin-tightening effects and give volume to the skin. The procedure employs almost 10 to 30 threads inserted in a mesh-like pattern for each treatment area. Mono threads are used for tightening the skin but do not lift the skin. Mono threads, along with the cog threads, produce facelifting effects.

Screw Threads

One or two threads are intertwined around the inserting needle to form the screw threads. Screw threads restore the volume of the hollow areas of your skin. When two threads are intertwined, it forms a "multi-screw." Twisting mono threads prepare screw threads.

Cog Threads

Cog threads are mono threads having barbs. These barbs attach to the underside of the skin to lift and support different parts of your face. Usually, cog threads are effective for jaw lifting and slimming. Cog threads and screw and mono threads lift the skin's sagging tissues.

How Does PDO Thread Lift Work?

PDO thread lift procedure

PDO thread lift works by injecting PDO threads under your skin at saggy areas of the skin, those requiring tightness or lift. To ensure a painless procedure, the practitioner administers a local anesthetic at the treatment site. After insertion the thread attaches with the skin through barbs, the skin is lifted to the desired level, and then the thread is pulled away from the skin. Medical professionals trim the inserted threads to make them secure and invisible beneath the skin. These inserted threads trigger the production of collagen. Collagen tightens the skin to make it look smooth. Over time the threads are slowly absorbed resulting in production of a new collagen network.

The downtime after a PDO thread lift is short. Most people return to work and daily routine the same day or the next day after the procedure. Patients might feel discomfort, minor inflammation, bruising, or swelling. However, these symptoms resolve within one week after the procedure. Avoid using makeup for the first 12 hours.

PDO Thread Lift Treatment Areas

PDO lifts are a versatile cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the firmness and tightness of various body areas. They are particularly beneficial for addressing concerns such as loose facial skin, sagging cheeks, forehead and brow concerns, issues around the eyes, neck and jawline rejuvenation, deep creases and folds reduction, addressing downturned mouth, minimizing smoker's lines, and improving body areas like the abdomen and arms. Even the lowering of eyebrows can be effectively treated with PDO lifts, making it a comprehensive option for achieving a rejuvenated appearance.

What is PDO Thread Lift Cost?

The average industry cost of PDO thread lift is $1,877. This cost depends upon the type and number of threads placed, the practitioner's experience, and the location from where you get the treatment.

Benefits of PDO Thread Lift

PDO thread lift is an excellent option for rejuvenating your skin. The benefits of the procedure include:

  • Non-Surgical Approach: PDO thread lifts provide a non-surgical alternative to traditional facelifts and other invasive procedures, which means less risk, shorter downtime, and minimal scarring.

  • Long-Lasting Effects: While the initial lifting effect may last several months, the stimulation of collagen production can continue for up to a year or more, contributing to improved skin quality and tightness.

  • No General Anesthesia: Unlike surgical procedures, PDO thread lifts do not require general anesthesia, reducing the associated risks and side effects.

  • Short Recovery Time: Recovery time is significantly shorter compared to surgical interventions. Patients can generally return to daily activities within a few days, with minimal downtime.

  • Quick Procedure: PDO thread lifts are relatively quick, often taking 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the treatment area. This short time makes PDO procedure convenient for individuals with busy schedules.

PDO Thread Lift Complications

During a PDO procedure, there is a possibility of encountering a few minor complications, but the good news is that these issues are typically straightforward to address. Potential complications include the visibility of sutures, particularly among individuals with thinner skin, as well as pain, minor bruising, infection, snapping of threads, blood accumulation, inflammation, and the development of a dimpling or orange peel-like texture on the skin. Additionally, some individuals may experience hair loss or, in rare cases, a salivary gland injury. It's important to note that while these complications can occur, they are generally manageable and can be corrected as needed during or after the procedure.

How Long Do PDO Threads Last?

A PDO thread dissolves after six to nine months. The procedure's results, such as initial firming, can be seen right after the procedure, but full results appear within six months. How long the treatment lasts varies from patient to patient depending upon their skin condition. Usually, PDO thread lift lasts for over 1 to 3 years.

Read this article to learn more about how long PDO threads last.


Experience tighter and smoother skin with PDO thread lift. This procedure tightens the sagging part of your skin, producing long-lasting effects with minimal downtime. If you're considering a PDO thread lift, consulting with a qualified practitioner at M Health and Beauty can help determine whether this innovative procedure is the right choice to lift your beauty.