Platysmal Bands: Causes, Prevention, and Non-Surgical Treatments

Published on: Dec 19, 2023 / Last Updated on: Dec 19, 2023 / SKINCARE, INJECTABLES
Platysmal Bands: Causes, Prevention, and Non-Surgical Treatments

Platysmal bands, those two subtle yet noticeable strips of muscle gracefully adorning both sides of your neck, can become a cosmetic concern as we age. While they don't pose any health risks, their presence can create the illusion of saggy skin, often leading to issues like a double chin and the dreaded "turkey neck." In this comprehensive guide, we'll discuss the causes of platysmal bands and explore effective treatments to address them.

What are Platysmal Bands?

Platysmal bands are visible horizontal lines or creases that develop on the neck. These bands are associated with the platysma muscle, a thin and broad muscle located in the neck. Platysmal bands become noticeable when the platysma muscle weakens and separates, leading to the formation of distinct lines or creases on the neck. Typically, these bands are more visible with age due to factors such as a reduction in skin elasticity and collagen production. Platysmal bands are a common cosmetic concern and are often addressed through various preventive measures and non-surgical treatments.

Understanding the Causes of Platysmal Bands

Platysmal bands are an inevitable part of the aging process. The following are the causes :

Aging Process

  • Weakening and separation of the platysma muscle.

  • Loss of skin elasticity over time.


  • Genetic predisposition may make some individuals more prone to platysmal bands.

Sun Exposure

  • Excessive exposure to sunlight can accelerate the aging of the skin, contributing to the formation of neck bands.

Lifestyle Choices

  • Poor posture can strain the neck muscles, worsening the appearance of platysmal bands.

  • Lack of regular exercise may contribute to muscle weakness in the neck.


  • Smoking is associated with accelerated aging and a negative impact on skin health, potentially influencing the development of neck bands.

High-intensity Workout

  • Exercise, particularly high-intensity workouts, intensifies the visibility of these bands as the muscles strain and the skin stretches.

A 2017 study uncovered that muscle activity, coupled with aging, contributes significantly to the prominence of platysmal bands.

Prevention of Neckbands

Preventing neckbands involves adopting a proactive approach that combines lifestyle choices and skincare practices. Here are key strategies for neckband prevention:

  • Neck Exercises

  • Maintain Good Posture

  • Skincare Routine

  • Balanced Diet

  • Hydration

  • Sun Protection

  • Avoid Smoking

  • Regular Exercise

  • Stress Reduction

  • Ergonomic Workspaces

  • Limit Tech Neck

  • Adjust Sleeping Position

By incorporating these preventive measures into your lifestyle, you can reduce the likelihood of developing neck bands and promote overall neck health.

Beautiful girl showing off her neck after the removal of neck bands

Effective Treatments For Neck Bands

Since prevention can’t help us delay the appearance of vertical lines forever, the sooner we intervene and treat our neck age lines, the better. Current treatments allow patients to combat the appearance of vertical bands of the neck without having to necessarily undergo a neck lift and subject themselves to a surgical procedure. Let's explore various treatment options:

1. Platysmal Bands Botox Treatment

Botox injections are not reserved exclusively for wrinkles. Studies show that the botulinum toxin type A may also reduce the appearance of platysmal bands. Botox is now successfully used to treat neck bands because it relaxes the muscles in the neck and creates a smoother appearance of the neck skin.

Botox treatments prevent the appearance and deepening of wrinkles and sagging neck skin with minimal recovery downtime and minimal discomfort. The Botox injection delivers a purified neurotoxin to temporarily paralyze the vertical muscles along the neck for a more youthful appearance. While some patients may experience minor bruising after the procedure, the treatment is non-invasive and allows them to return to their activities immediately after the treatment. The results are visible within a few days after the procedure but are not permanent.

Botox, renowned for its wrinkle-smoothing abilities, can also be a game-changer for platysmal bands. A 2018 research review highlighted its efficacy in reducing band visibility by relaxing neck muscles. This off-label use is safe, relatively painless, and requires maintenance every 3 to 4 months.

2. Dermal Fillers for a Plumper Neck

Dermal fillers are an option, especially if the botulinum injections fail to deliver the desired level of improvement. Injectable dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid-based options like Bellafill and Juvaderm, are injected under the skin be used to add volume to the area behind the neck bands and plump up the skin over platysmal bands. When combined with Botox, this approach offers a trackable result in a matter of days, lasting around 6 to 12 months.

However, specialists believe that dermal fillers work better to treat horizontal neck bands and deliver the best results for platysmal bands when used in combination with Botox injections. The results are visible in a few days, and the patient will notice smoother neck skin and lifting of the jaw.

3. Platysmaplasty (Neck Lift) for Dramatic Results

For those seeking more dramatic and permanent results, platysmaplasty is a surgical option. This cosmetic procedure tightens skin and muscles, resulting in a smoother neck and a well-defined jawline. The surgery can be performed on its own or combined with a facelift, and the results will be visible within a few months of the procedure.

During the procedure, practitioners make several small incisions behind the ears and underneath the chin to reconstruct the platysma muscles, rejoin the separate sides, and tighten the platysma. The procedure dramatically improves the appearance of neck bands and sharpens the jawline, but it has more side effects than Botox injections and requires at least one week for recovery.

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In conclusion, understanding the causes of platysmal bands and exploring effective treatments empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their appearance. Whether opting for non-invasive procedures like Botox and dermal fillers or more permanent solutions like platysmaplasty and facelifts, consulting with a qualified professional ensures a tailored approach to address specific concerns. Embrace the journey towards a rejuvenated and confident neck profile.