Remembering the Fallen 13!

Published on: Oct 04, 2022 / Last Updated on: Oct 04, 2022 / PERSONAL

As a veteran who has served overseas, I am so proud to be part of a city and group of people that truly support and honor our veterans. Thank you, Never Forget @city_of_corona @norco @corona_chamber

It was a year ago, Aug 26, that 13 American soldiers gave the ultimate sacrifice when they were killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul, Afghanistan.

They were: Marine Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover; Marine Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo; Marine Sgt. Nicole L. Gee; Marine Cpl. Hunter Lopez; Marine Cpl. Daegen W. Page; Marine Cpl. Humberto A.Sanchez; Marine Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza; Marine Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz; Marine Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum; Marine Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola; Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui; Navy Hospital Man. Maxton W. Soviak; and Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss.
