Reasons Why the P-Shot is the Best ED Treatment in 2023

Published on: Jun 16, 2023 / Last Updated on: Jun 16, 2023 / REGENERATIVE MEDICINE
Reasons Why the P-Shot is the Best ED Treatment in 2023

If you are one of the 30 million men affected by erectile dysfunction in the United States then you may have heard of the ED treatment, the Priapus shot. Also known as the P-Shot, this ED treatment is hands-down the best treatment method for addressing the causes of erectile dysfunction and improving overall sexual function. This article will go over the basics of the P-Shot and explain why it is the best ED treatment.

What is the P-Shot?

platelet rich-plasma tube

The P-Shot has been gaining popularity as an effective treatment for various conditions, including erectile dysfunction, lichen sclerosis, Peyronie's disease, and overall sexual function enhancement. The P-Shot for men is basically an extension of PRP therapy, which involves injecting a concentrated solution of platelets derived from your own blood into targeted areas of your body.

This autologous and all-natural treatment uses your blood’s own platelets, which play a crucial role in wound healing and blood clotting. PRP therapy is used widely across several fields of treatment including skincare, haircare, and even musculoskeletal injections. Now, let’s get into the amazing benefits of this treatment and the reasons that put it ahead of all others.

PRP’s Healing Factors

The procedure involves extracting a small quantity of your blood, which is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets in a process called blood fractionation. These concentrated platelets, brimming with regenerative properties, are injected into the penis and penile area using a tiny needle.

It's important to note that the PRP used for this therapy is derived directly from your own blood. This safe and all-natural procedure stimulates cell regeneration without the need for surgery or associated risks. You can read more about the process of PRP therapy here.

The P-Shot Experience

Before the P-shot injection, a topical anesthetic cream is applied to numb the treatment area. This ensures a painless experience, allowing you to undergo the procedure comfortably.

Moreover, the P-shot is a quick treatment, typically completed within an hour. Additionally, it can be conveniently performed in the comfort of the office setting, eliminating the need to travel to a hospital or surgery center.

Following the P-shot procedure, you can drive yourself home and resume normal activities. Unlike invasive surgeries, this non-surgical treatment allows for virtually no downtime. However, it is recommended to wait a few weeks for the resumption of sexual relations to ensure optimal healing and results.

The P-Shot’s Many Benefits

The Priapus shot offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Stronger and firmer erections

  • Easier achievement of erections

  • Potential increased length and girth

  • Improvement and relief from symptoms of Peyronie’s disease

  • Better sensitivity

  • Improved sexual stamina

It’s important to know that these benefits are mainly for patients suffering from mild to severe erectile dysfunction. If you have no symptoms of erectile dysfunction and have optimal sexual health, you are not a qualified candidate for the P-Shot.

But if you are a qualified candidate, then we encourage you to consider the P-Shot and all its amazing benefits. Those who suffer from erectile dysfunction often find it hard to get treatment as it is a sensitive topic. Due to this, many opt for simple oral medication that only provides temporary relief for one-time erections. The cost of these medications can also quickly add up depending on how frequently they are needed.

The P-Shot is a long-term solution that addresses the root causes of erectile dysfunction. And it’s completely different from all other surgical/invasive treatments with complex procedures and difficult preparation and aftercare. The P-Shot is an extremely easy procedure with remarkable results.


It's crucial to acknowledge that severe cases of ED, particularly those that have persisted for several years, may involve various complexities that impact the response to treatment. In such cases, it is recommended to adopt a comprehensive approach by combining other treatments such as Acoustic Soundwave Therapy to maximize the chances of success.

While the P-Shot offers a promising solution for individuals seeking enhanced sexual function and relief from conditions like ED, it's essential to remember that sexual health is influenced by various factors beyond physical treatments. Mental and emotional well-being, along with the presence of any underlying health issues, can significantly impact sexual performance. This is why we always encourage you to take a holistic approach to treat erectile dysfunction instead of trying to resolve every issue with a one-step approach.

If you have consulted with your doctor and determined that the P-Shot is the right choice for you, consider seeking treatment from M Health and Beauty, a certified P-Shot provider. We have expertise and dedication to patient care, and always strive to bring the patient a safe and reliable experience. Take the first step towards your journey to sexual wellness by calling today via the number below or visiting the ED treatment page.